Klachin Sarah_Aug 2021

Sarah Klachin, LL.M.

Senior Associate

Sarah is a certified lawyer for employment law. She advises companies in all areas of individual and collective labour law and represents national and international clients in labour and civil court proceedings throughout Germany.

Sarah is a certified lawyer for employment law. She advises companies in all areas of individual and collective labour law and represents national and international clients in labour and civil court proceedings throughout Germany. One focus of her practice is advising on domestic and cross-border restructuring projects, including project coordination. In addition, Sarah advises employers on legal issues in the area of employee data protection. Sarah regularly publishes contributions in specialist journals and gives presentations as well as in-house training courses and seminars on various employment law topics. She has also completed her training as a business mediator (MuCDR).

Sarah's experience


    • 2021
      Certified lawyer for employment law
    • 2019
      Admission as lawyer, Munich Bar Association
    • 2017
      Company lawyer, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
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    Out-Law / Insight by Sarah Klachin, LL.M.

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