Nicky Pereira

Nicky Pereira

Senior Associate

Nicky is an intellectual property lawyer. She provides strategic advice on intellectual property matters covering all stages of the intellectual property life cycle – from initial development and protection, through to commercialisation, exploitation and enforcement.

Nicky is in the Strategic IP team, advising clients in a variety of sectors, across the full range of IP rights. Nicky regularly advises on complex issues regarding the development, ownership, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights. Nicky drafts and negotiates intellectual property agreements, such as collaboration agreements, R&D agreements, assignments and licences. Nicky also provides intellectual property support throughout all stages of corporate transactions, particularly those with a technology focus.

Nicky has an interest in the higher education sector, having worked closely with university clients on a full range of intellectual property matters for over a decade. She is currently looking at sector wide issues, such as the impact of the government’s recent report on spin-outs and the effect this may have on IP policies and approaches to IP commercialisation.

Nicky also takes a keen interest in Green IP and supporting clients on projects where innovation and collaboration are central to improving sustainability.

Nicky's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Nicky Pereira

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