Charlton Nicola

Nicola Charlton

Senior Associate

Nicola assists clients with all types of property related disputes, both commercial and residential. Nicola has particular expertise in housing matters regularly acting for property companies, universities and banks.

Nicola deals in all aspects of property dispute resolution, in particular commercial landlord and tenant disputes, for example lease renewals, breaks, dilapidation claims, rent reviews, forfeiture issues, telecoms, disputes concerning applications to assign and rent arrears recovery. She also deals with general property disputes including trespass and adverse possession, nuisance, prescriptive rights and boundary, easement and rights of way disputes.

Nicola has a particular interest in housing law and mixed-use development schemes and regularly advises on strategies for obtaining vacant possession from tenants and the legal structuring of development schemes and estate management arrangements including structures that avoid triggering, or minimise the impact of, residential tenant's rights such as enfranchisement and rights of first refusal and the set-up of service charge arrangements to minimise the risk of dispute.

Nicola's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Nicola Charlton

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