During the seminar, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the latest developments in AI, Diversity and Inclusion, Cyber, Greenwashing, Remuneration and Sanctions.

The event will be followed by an evening drinks and canapés reception at the nearby Sun Street Hotel, giving you an opportunity to engage with our specialists and to network with peers and our legal experts.

Event date

In person - 13:00 - 17:30 GMT
Online - 13:40 - 17:30 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video



Registration and Lunch 


Welcome and introduction


Artificial intelligence: Harnessing the power within legal functions

We will explore the transformative potential of Generative AI in the legal industry. We'll look at forms of generative AI, its transformative power through use cases and consider some of the myths around AI that General Counsel should consider in planning ahead for this disruptive technology.

Clare Francis, Orlando Conetta, Samantha Livesey


Diversity and Inclusion: walking the tightrope in a time of political and societal upheaval

We will look at how GCs can navigate the complexities of diversity and inclusion in a time of political and societal upheaval.

Kate Dodd, David Marsden Pearson


Cyber: latest trends and the new NIS2 regulations

This session will cover new trends and patterns in cyber, the changing nature of ransomware and the new NIS2 regulations.

David McIlwaine, Stuart Davey


Coffee Break


Greenwashing: dangers of making misleading claims

This session will explore the dangers of making misleading claims about environmental and other sustainability credentials, and how to avoid them - highlighting current activity in the fields of advertising standards, consumer protection, finance and commercial litigation, and providing practical insight on implementing effective anti-greenwashing policies and procedures

Emilie Jones, Tom Nener, Angelique Bret, Hayden Morgan


Remuneration: approach in a bleak economic environment

We will tackle the challenge of reward and incentives in a bleak economic environment. We will also discuss whether executive pay is too restrictive in the UK and how to incentivise employees across the board.

Lynette Jacobs, James Sullivan-Tailyour


Sanctions: overview of key financial and trade sanctions developments
An overview of key UK and EU financial and trade sanctions developments, cases and themes concerning due diligence; licensing; and enforcement.

Stacy Keen, Barbara Thiemann


Closing Remarks

 17:45 - 22:00

Evening Drinks & Canapés reception at Sun Street Hotel

Event location

Pinsent Masons
30 Crown Place
Earl Street
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